Residents living in Inyo, Mono, and San Bernardino counties interested in a fire prevention program email

Monday, January 30, 2012

Cold weather increases potential for Carbon Monoxide incidents in Homes

Each year in America, CO poisoning silently kills unprepared men, women and children from accidental non-fire related CO poisoning associated with consumer products. These products include faulty, improperly-used or incorrectly-vented fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, stoves, water heaters and fireplaces. As of July 1, 2011 California law requires homeowners to install carbon monoxide detectors in every California home; a move CAL FIRE officials say will save lives. State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover says “carbon monoxide is a silent killer, each year claiming the lives of an average of 480 people and sending more than 20,000 people to emergency rooms across the nation.”

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced from heaters, fireplaces, furnaces and many types of appliances and cooking devices. Carbon monoxide is produced whenever any fuel such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal is burned. In the past, some people have used these things to heat homes or rooms and sadly, deaths have occurred from the Carbon Monoxide. “Having a CO detector is a small investment that really can help save your life and the lives of your family” said San Bernardino Unit Chief Tim McClelland.

It is important that you know the symptoms of CO poisoning. At moderate levels, you or your family can get severe headaches, become dizzy, mentally confused, nauseated, or faint. You can die if these levels persist for a long enough time. Low levels can cause shortness of breath, mild nausea, and mild headaches and may have longer term effects on your health. Since many of these symptoms are similar to those of the flu, food poisoning, or other illnesses, you may not think that CO poisoning could be the cause.

Though previous laws only required newly-constructed homes to have CO alarms, the state’s new Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act (Senate Bill 183) requires owners of all existing single-family homes with an attached garage or a fossil fuel source to install CO alarm devices within the home by July 1, 2011. Owners of multi-family leased or rental dwellings, such as apartment buildings, have until January 1, 2013 to comply with the law.

For additional information on how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning visit the CAL FIRE website at .

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Working Together Saves Lives!

Letter of Appreciation for a Multi-Agency Incident

San Bernardino City Fire, San Bernardino County Fire, California Highway Patrol, CAL FIRE and anyothers that assisted on this incident...JOB WELL DONE!

Burn Suspension Lifted in Inyo and Mono Counties

Officials from the San Bernardino Unit of CAL FIRE have lifted the special burn suspension in Inyo and Mono counties effective 6 a.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 2012. Fire Prevention Battalion Chief Preston Fouts says “outdoor burning will once again be allowed until weather conditions require the burn suspension to be reinstituted.” According to Chief Fouts, each request for a burn permit will be accompanied with a physical inspection of the property. There will also be special instructions placed on the permits such as; extra clearance, making sure that there is a charged water source immediately available and tools are at hand. “While there is always the possibility of wildland fire, we want to allow residents in those areas that are able to burn to do so and thereby reduce any dead cut and piled vegetation that can become a fire hazard in itself. With the personal inspections prior to the issuance of the burn permit and cooperating weather, we feel confident that with the property owners as partners in prevention with CAL FIRE, we can reduce some of the current fire potential” said Unit Chief Tim McClelland.

The special restrictions that remain in Inyo and Mono Counties regarding opening fires include:
1. Use of campfires is restricted to within established campfire facilities located in established campgrounds open to the public.
2. Cooking fires with a valid permit are permissive when no alternate means of cooking is available and requires an on-site inspection prior to the issuance of a permit.
3. Warming fires with a valid permit are permissive and require an on-site inspection prior to the issuance of a permit when weather conditions exist to justify the request.
4. Burn permits issued to property owners for their parcels will have been inspected to ensure adequate clearance and prevention guidelines to reduce the risk of uncontrolled fires.
5. Project burn permits will continue to be reviewed as set forth by the Unit and local CAL FIRE Chief Officer in that area.

It is important for every property owner to maintain their 100 foot clearance (or to the property line) of their properties. To find out more about how to fire safe your homes and property you can contact your local fire department, CAL FIRE or go to the CAL FIRE web site at or

Monday, January 23, 2012

Letter of Appreciation

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Skip Miller named Yucaipa Firefighter of the Year

The Yucaipa Firefighter of the Year is sponsored annually by the Yucaipa Chamber of Commerce. Skip Miller was selected for his dedication to the citizens of Yucaipa and for his outstanding service.

Congratulations Skip Miller who embodies the best of CAL FIRE and the Fire Service.

Friday, January 13, 2012

CAL FIRE San Bernardino Unit Suspends Burning Permits

CAL FIRE is suspending burning permits on ALL STATE RESPONSIBILITY LANDS WITHIN INYO, MONO and SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES. This is being done because of the continued extreme weather conditions and the acute dryness of the vegetation due to the lack of rain which creates a high potential for wildland fire. The burn suspension is in effect beginning Friday, January 13, 2012 at 6:00 A.M. in accordance with Section 4423.1 of the California Public Resources Code. The suspension is effective except in incorporated cities. Additionally, the use of campfires is restricted to campfire facilities located within established campgrounds that are open to the public.

Tim McClelland, CAL FIRE San Bernardino Unit Chief says “the continued possibility of strong winds combined with the dry vegetation across the wildland areas of Southern California and the areas of Inyo and Mono counties increases the potential for fire ignitions. By taking this step, we hope to reduce the accidental fire starts that can threaten life and property within Inyo, Mono and San Bernardino Counties.”

Homeowner’s responsibility is the key to fire safety. For ideas on hardening your homes and property by making them fire resistive go to

Once again, the Burning Permit Suspension is effective beginning Friday morning, January 13, 2012 at 6:00 A.M. and will remain in effect until the suspension is terminated by CAL FIRE.